golden cauliflower

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Well roasted cauliflower is one of my favourite meals of all time. Because I always get impatient I often take it out before it is properly roasted but if you can let it get to that soft, crisp melt in your mouth texture it is truly phenomenal. Using beautiful flavours of turmeric and cumin to boost your immune system and warm your belly – this is a perfect side dish for a cold winters night.


golden cauliflower


1 head cauliflower and leaves

3 tbsp olive oil

large pinch rock salt

1 fresh chilli chopped

1 tbsp turmeric

1 tbsp cumin

1 handful fresh mint

2 tbsp sesame seeds


.1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius

2. chop up your cauliflower into small pieces and place in baking tray with cauliflower leaves ( try and break them up if they are quite big)

3. drizzle olive oil and all your spices over the cauliflower and coat with your hands until everything is well covered

4. Bake for 40 minutes or until golden , crispy and soft

5. Top with fresh mint, sesame seeds and extra chilli, salt and pepper